We look at the world straight in the eye

Why You Should Donate to Get Up and Go Colombia?

Your donation to Get Up and Go Colombia can create lasting change. We empower local communities through education, sustainable development, and peace-building initiatives. Your support helps us provide essential resources, promote reconciliation, and develop socio-economic opportunities.

By donating, you become part of a dedicated community making a real impact. Together, we can build a brighter future for all Colombians. Donate today and help us make a difference!

You can also donate by making a bank transfer to the following account:

- Cuenta de ahorros Bancolombia #261 99 381 686
- Titular de la cuenta de ahorros: Corporación Get Up and Go Colombia
- Nit: 901113507

Free Walking Tours

Our tours are currently suspended. We will be announcing the start date soon.